We pooled our savings and bought a desk-top computer. 我们用积蓄合资买了一架台式电脑。
This laptop computer is only one-tenth the weight of a normal desk-top computer. 这台膝上型电脑仅是一台普通桌上型电脑的十分之一重。
It mainly includes: the software ( CuteLever) for outside data collecting installed on PDA and the one ( SDP) for settlement observation and data processing installed on the desk-top computer or on the note-book computer. 本系统软件主要包括:安装于PDA上的外业数据采集应用软件(CuteLever)及安装于台式电脑或笔记本上的沉降观测数据处理软件(SDP)。
A method for liquid scintillation counting of dual labelled samples and data handling with a desk-top computer 双标记样品液体闪烁测量法及使用电子计算机进行数据处理
Embedded systems are application-oriented real-time systems. They are differ-ent from desk-top computer systems in performance requirements, system organizations and application areas. 嵌入式系统是面向应用的专用系统,与桌面计算机系统相比,在性能要求、系统构成、应用领域等方面都有显著差异。